Wonderful post.. unfortunately, the word “selfish” has had a negative connotation when actually we (especially mothers/grandmothers) need to prioritize “self-care” in order to fully embrace motherhood. It’s our birthright to take care of ourselves in order to fully give to others. Such an important topic. Thank you!!

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Thanks for your comment, Charlotte. Yes, self-care is so important, and an important part of being a good friend is understanding that as well. We need to give space to our friends for them to do what they need to do in their lives. Understanding that is what helps make a good friend, don't you think?

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Great post, excellent points. Friendship is especially important when we're raising families. It's easy to get caught up in our kids' lives and neglect our friendships. Your advice also applies to grandmothers. I've seen several of my friends get so caught up in helping with their grandkids that they put friendship on the back burner too.

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Thanks for your thoughtful comment, Cindy! Yes, it can happen with children or grandchildren--and even husbands!

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