Jan 9Liked by Cindy La Ferle

I think the reason some people latch onto bad/ toxic/ junk food friends is heavily influenced by how demoralizing their environment is.

When I’m emotionally satisfied I don’t crave energy that isn’t fulfilling. Think of it like chasing an unfulfilling job for the title bump vs when you actually have something healthy.

Dynamics change with age... if anything despite how often we hear “people don’t change” change is actually inevitable. We notice it first amidst certain milestone and cross roads like when friends choose to have children or don’t or when others are promoted into more technically demanding jobs. We actually do change based on what our environment demands and conditions in us. We just don’t always notice it and it’s here where “the fish doesn’t see the water”.

I really enjoyed this piece. It made me reach out to a few connections I lost touch with. Thank you 🙏

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Hi. I’d love to write a question about a friendship for y’all to answer. How would I do that? Thank you!

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Irene S. Levine, PhD

If we are all honest, we ourselves have allll met people that we just. Dont. Like.

There is a gal at work. No idea why, but I just dont like her. I've almost never spoken to her; almost never heard her speak. She just gives off vibes that I dont want to be a part of. I trust my instincts and just stay away from her.

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So true...so many times you can't put your finger on it...yet, it is a strong feeling, isn't it?

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Irene S. Levine, PhD

Great article. I see that especially with certain people at work. I tried with these people for years and they simply don’t like me. Ok, then best I keep it moving. I am leaving the company in November, so no love lost there.

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Thanks for reading, Jane. Sorry things didn't work out, but hopefully the next time will be much better!

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